We decided to spend two days in Portland so David could write and Robin could swim in the warmest pool she has found (Robin likes warm pools). And, since we returned to Portsmouth last night to retreive the "perfect-swim-suit-that-could-never-be-left" we didn't get any time to investigate downtown Portland. We di

scovered it was a great idea to spend the extra time. We took the third boat ride of our trip to visit all the local islands and forts on the outer islands of Portland. So, here is the quiz for our brillant granddaughters, Eylianna & Gabby (Not to imply the other granddaughter, Katie, is not brillant ... it is just that we doubt if she will want to play our quiz). Eylianna & Gabby, which of the following states has more coast lines? 1). Michigan (an island) 2). Florida (an island) 3). Alaska (a ... piece of land) 4). Maine. Return tomorrow for the answer.
Here are some of our pictures. There were three or four forts on the island and some were even used in the war of 1812. We also took a picture of a very
large barge carrying tons of crude oil and a nice boat that David would like to buy. We also took a picture of the second oldest
lighthouse on the east coast and the most photographed light house in the country. So, we took a nice picture to keep light house in first place.
Tomorrow we move to Bar Harbor and answer the quiz question.

Eyliana's guess is 1) Michigan.......
We'll watch for the answer!
Michigan and Florida aren't islands, Elyiana -- they're peninsulas. Don't let your grandpa try to trick you.
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